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Cosmetic Products Contain Methylparaben, Is It Safe To Use?

Cosmetic Products Contain Methylparaben, Is It Safe To Use?
   Cundomanik Official - Cosmetic Products Contain Methylparaben, Is It Safe To Use?

Did you know that some cosmetics contain preservatives? Methylparaben is one of them, you know!

Preservatives such as methylparaben can be found easily in various products that you usually use.

Ranging from cosmetic products to hair care products .

Actually, what is the function of this chemical and is it harmful to the health of the body?

Come on, Moms, find out more so you can safely use various products containing methylparaben!

   Benefits of Methylparaben in Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products Contain Methylparaben, Is It Safe To Use?

Methylparaben is one of the most common types of parabens.

Parabens are chemicals that are often used as preservatives to make products last longer.

Usually, you can find these types of parabens in cosmetic and hair care products.

Cosmetic products contain water, vitamins, and nutrients that nourish the skin or hair.

Unfortunately, the mixture can also create the perfect environment for bacteria to breed.

The reason is, when you use the product, there is a possibility that bacteria will be carried into the container.

This is what makes the quality of the product is not good and quickly damaged.

Like fresh fruit and vegetables, cosmetics without parabens can rot or spoil quickly.

That's why parabens are needed by a number of companies to create long-lasting products.

Even so, parabens that are exposed to the air or exposed to sunlight for a long time will be damaged so that their function may not be optimal.

The function of these parabens does not only come from methylparaben.

In some cosmetic products, sometimes there is more than one type of paraben in it.

   Is Methylparaben Safe?

Cosmetic Products Contain Methylparaben, Is It Safe To Use?

Therefore, many researchers are conducting safety tests on these chemicals.

Numerous studies have shown that applying parabens to the skin, followed by sun exposure, can increase skin damage by accelerating cell death and nitric oxide production.

Later, another study reported that skin damage associated with paraben use and sun exposure may increase the risk of skin cancer.

This is suspected because of the oxidative DNA damage it causes. DNA itself holds the instructions for the body's cells to divide, mature, and die.

When DNA is damaged, the cell's instructions go awry. Cells will become abnormal, divide uncontrollably, and cause cancer.

Although there have been many studies, further review is still needed.

The Food and Drug Administration, based in the United States, says the use of parabens in some products is safe to use.

With a note, its use does not exceed the safe limit and passes safety tests before being marketed to the wider community.

However, this determination may change in line with ongoing research.

It should be understood that when methylparaben enters the body, these chemicals do not settle and accumulate.

These chemicals are completely removed in 48 hours or less from the body.

Methylparaben Side Effects

Cosmetic Products Contain Methylparaben, Is It Safe To Use?

Although it has been mentioned that it is safe to use in various products, there are still side effects caused by these chemicals.

Most often, these types of parabens can cause allergic reactions in some people.

This condition may occur in people who have sensitive skin or have contact dermatitis .

Contact dermatitis is a red and itchy rash caused by direct contact with certain substances, one of which is methylparaben.

When these chemicals touch the skin, within a certain time, several symptoms will occur, including:


        •Dry scaly skin

        •Chafed skin

        •Red rash

        •Small watery spots appear

        •Swollen skin, pain when pressed, or a burning sensation appears.

The above reactions can also occur when the skin is irritated or injured.

If Moms, Dads, or Little Ones show the above symptoms, you should stop the product that has just been used first.

To relieve the symptoms, visit a doctor for appropriate treatment recommendations.

Tips to Avoid Products Containing Methylparaben

Cosmetic Products Contain Methylparaben, Is It Safe To Use?

For some people who are sensitive to parabens in beauty and hair care products, you should avoid the additional products they use.

It's a bit difficult, considering the use of parabens is very common. But at least, look for the concentration of the substance is quite low.

Before Moms or Dads make a choice on a product, always pay attention to the packaging label and see what the composition of the product is.

If it has methylparaben in it, look for another product that doesn't list this preservative.

Usually, these products are labeled with "paraben free"

According to the WebMD site, this type of paraben goes by many names, including:

                •Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate

               •Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate


So, Moms must be more careful in shopping for beauty products, yes!
