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Healthy Lifestyle for Natural Beautiful Skin

Healthy Lifestyle for Natural Beautiful Skin

 CM 18+, As good as any skin care, the results will not be optimal without the support of a healthy lifestyle. To get healthy and beautiful skin, a person must eat nutritiously, sleep enough, drink enough water, and stay away from cigarettes and alcohol. This was stated by an expert on antiaging medicine, Febby Karina Panjaitan, at the inauguration of the presence of the Bio Oil skin care product at the Watsons Indonesia outlet, in Jakarta, last week.

He explained that healthy skin is indicated by an even color, smooth texture, and maintained moisture. "In addition to requiring external care according to skin type, we need to adopt a healthy lifestyle so that the metabolism of skin cells is maintained properly," he said.

For external treatment, he added, start with a simple way, but do it consistently and follow the recommended rules. "Cleansing the face thoroughly, using a moisturizer to prevent skin dehydration and helping to regenerate the skin, are things that can be applied independently." On the same occasion, representing the distributor of Bio Oil, Product Manager of PT Radiant Sentral Nutrindo, Nurhayatini, explained that Bio Oil is a product that helps repair skin tissue, smoothes, and provides nutritional intake for facial and body skin.

However, unfortunately, the efforts made as a way to look beautiful from the outside can sometimes make a person forget about his physical and mental health. In fact, these two things are things that should not be left to look beautiful. Then, how to look beautiful and attractive but still healthy? 

How to Look Beautiful, Attractive, and Healthy

The first thing you need to do is throw away the notion or definition of beauty that is less realistic and has been ingrained in most people's minds, as well as spread by various media.

After that, try to focus on beauty values ​​based on body health, such as moist and clean skin or strong hair, rather than subjective beauty values, such as white skin or straight hair.

Healthy Lifestyle for Natural Beautiful Skin

Well, here are some ways to look beautiful and healthy from the outside and inside that you can apply:

1. Highlight non -physical beauty

Find a beautiful definition that doesn't just emphasize physical appearance. You can better emphasize the qualities in yourself, such as personality, social relationships with others, and the way you see the world.

2. Cheap smile

Just as you love to see people smile, others will love to see and get a smile. Smiling is also known to improve your mood, and a good mood will also radiate a distinctive radiance on your face.

3. Stay away from negative thoughts

Too much worry can also increase the levels of the hormone cortisol which can lead to a decrease in collagen content in the skin, making the skin more prone to wrinkles. Therefore, do more things that make you feel happy .

4. Less looking in the mirror

Be aware that sometimes you can be a cruel critic of yourself. If necessary, take a break from looking in the mirror and criticizing your appearance for a while. Focus on feeling enough and happy with what you have now.

5. Spend more time with those closest to you

When you may feel unattractive, overweight, or need a place to complain about your appearance, turn to the people closest to you who have known you for a long time and do not value your appearance.

They can show that the things you think about are not something that diminishes your value in their eyes, because they have seen your " inner beauty ". That way, you can feel comfortable with yourself again.

6. Reduce the use of cosmetics

Try not to wear cosmetics for 2 days or more. This will benefit your skin because it makes it more able to "breathe" and cleaner so that it automatically looks healthier and prettier.

7. Always keep your body healthy

Prioritize body health and not appearance. Doing a diet to improve nutrient intake will have a greater positive impact on health and beauty than if you just did it to look like a model. 

8. Do not compare yourself with others

Everyone is created with their own personality and charm. Stop comparing yourself to others, especially to people who are different ages from you or to movie stars or famous models. This can trigger frustration to depression.

9. Adequate rest

Getting enough sleep can be a way to look beautiful and healthy. You may be familiar with dull -looking skin when you lack sleep. In addition, lack of sleep can also increase levels of the hormone cortisol. 

10. Do exercise regularly

Exercising regularly can keep your skin healthy and make you look fit. Exercise can also lift your mood and make you feel satisfied with your own body. 

Take at least 30 minutes to engage in physical activity each day, such as walking, running, or cycling. If necessary, try to follow a yoga program or meditation techniques to relax the body and mind to stay healthy. 

11. Drink enough white water

In addition to maintaining health, meeting the needs of white water is also very important in maintaining beauty. Dehydration can make your skin look dull, wrinkled, and not tight. In addition, under your eyes will also be easier to blacken and show the effects of fatigue. This is certainly not good for appearance.

12. Maintain the correct posture

Practice or start the habit of standing or sitting with an upright posture. Good posture will support the health of the body while improving your mood, and make you look confident and awesome. 

Basically, everyone has different body and facial characteristics, and they are all beautiful in their own way. So, stop thinking that the definition of beautiful has to match what other people are saying. 

Remind yourself and the people around you that the way to look beautiful is not always from physical appearance. Have a sense of optimism, always be grateful, and accept yourself in any form of non -physical beauty that every woman needs to have. 

Constantly following the demands of the beauty standards of others who only focus on physical beauty can be dangerous to your physical and mental health.
