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You Need To Know, These Are 4 Reasons Someone Underestimates You

You need to know, these are 4 reasons someone underestimates you

You need to know, these are 4 reasons someone underestimates you.

Maybe some of us have been belittled by others such as friends, neighbors or office mates. This disparaging act can be in the form of ostracizing words, a knowing and self-righteous attitude and many other things.

Of course, we do not like the behavior or attitude of belittling. Sometimes we want to be emotional but are afraid to go too far and create new problems in our lives until finally we just let it go. There are also people who have silenced this disparaging attitude, still doing the same thing. That's outrageous.

In this regard, it would be nice if we first knew why someone underestimated you. Here are 4 reasons.

1. His position is higher than you

The first thing that makes someone underestimate you is because their position is higher than you. Usually, someone who has a higher position will look arrogant in front of his subordinates.

A higher position makes him have higher authority too, so that it is arbitrary to be authoritarian or underestimate his subordinates.

2. Have a bigger salary

The second thing you need to know why someone underestimates you is because you have a bigger salary than you. Surely we have come across people who have a lot of money or abundant wealth being arrogant to others.

Likewise people who have a large salary too. For those who do not have money and a small salary will be considered insignificant in his eyes.

3. Have qualified skills

The third thing you need to know is to have qualified skills. This disparaging attitude often arises because we are great and we have skills. In today's children's lives, when he wins the class, he often boasts excessively about his achievements to his friends.

Likewise, people who have high skills will feel he is the toughest and invincible of those who have mediocre skills.

4. Her parents are great people

The last thing we often encounter is someone who boasts of the greatness of his parents because he is one of the great figures in a company, agency or in this country.

He will feel other people have nothing and can not match his parents. Arrogance because of the greatness of parents is always publicized to those around them. 

These four things are certainly often encountered in people's lives. These four things are the reasons why someone underestimates others. Hopefully it will be a new understanding and useful for us.
